Thursday, January 27, 2011

Save the Date - Vision Diversity Conference

Vision Diversity Conference 2011
Creating a Vision of Equity and Creativity in Education
Save the Date!
June 4, 2011

Conference Description
For the past 20 years, the Early Childhood Education Program at Green River Community College has presented a diversity-focused conference for individuals working in or aspiring to work in the area of education.  Workshop sessions are topical issues that have current of future impact on the education community.  This year's conference is co-sponsored by the Teachers of Tomorrow Club and will contain a specific track for future teachers.  Other tracks are for early learning providers, Para educators, K-3 teachers, and early learning administrators (including ECE instructors).  The conference will be held on the Green River main campus.  Conference brochures will be available online at by April 15th.

Monday, January 24, 2011

CWU Teaching Certificate Programs

The new Central Washington University Community College Teaching Certificate Program prepares participants for what to expect and how to succeed as a teacher in the community college classroom.

The program includes four workshops:
• Becoming a Successful Community College Faculty Candidate
• Instructional Technologies
• Assessment
• Teaching in the Diverse Classroom
Full workshop descriptions are available at

This non-credit program takes only two weeks to complete. The workshops are taught by outstanding community college instructors who are experts in the four areas.

The program is geared toward several audiences:
1) graduate students who intend to pursue a career teaching in a community college,
2) high school teachers who might want to teach a course or two in a community college,
 3) current community college and university faculty who want to enhance their knowledge in any or all of the workshop topics.
Community College Teaching Certificate Program
• CWU-Ellensburg August 1-12, 2011

• Becoming a Successful Candidate $200
• Instructional Technologies $300
• Assessment $300
• Teaching in the Diverse Classroom $200
Tuition for the entire certificate program is $1,000. You may take any number of workshops separately, but must complete all four workshops to receive a certificate.

Visit, or call Tammy at the CWU Office of Continuing Education at 509-963-1835.

To register please call 509-963-1835.
Clock hours available!

“Graduate students will definitely benefit from enrolling in the Community College Teaching certificate program. After completing the four workshops, I had a sense that I had received insider information. I am confident this knowledge will enhance my chances of getting a teaching job at the community college level.”
- Don McCorkindale, CWU graduate student
“After completing Central’s CCT program, I felt like someone had handed me the answers to a final test. Seasoned community college instructors and administrators provided me with innovative pedagogies and professional development strategies that left me feeling confident about my future in community college education. This workshop is dynamite.”
- Del Enders, CWU graduate student

Workshop Dates Times Instructor
• Becoming a Successful Candidate August 1 & 2 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sandra Fowler - Hill
• Instructional Technologies August 3, 4 & 5 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mike Batali
• Teaching in a Diverse Classroom August 8 & 9 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Allison Green
• Assessment August 10, 11 & 12 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Carolyn Calhoon-Dillahunt

“The Central Washington University’s Community College Teaching Certificate Program offers an opportunity for learning and growth. Even with 10 years of prior teaching experience at the community college level, I found the Diversity, Assessment, and Technology workshops to offer innovative ideas and methodologies that I was able to integrate into my courses immediately. It was an excellent investment of time and effort, and I highly recommend the program to both new and seasoned instructors.”
- Tonya McCabe, Faculty, Business Education,
Green River Community College
“CWU’s Community College Teaching Certificate Program provides valuable information and ideas for adjunct and full-time instructors. The flexible format allows instructors to choose program components that work for their learning needs and schedules. CWU has developed a cost-effective way to provide current and potential community college instructors with valuable professional development. “
-- Leslie Heizer Newquist,
Executive Dean, Professional/Technical & Workforce Education, Green River Community College

For questions about workshop content,
contact the instructor of the session you wish to
attend. For all other questions contact the CWU
Office of Continuing Education at

Becoming a Successful Community College Faculty Candidate
Sandra Fowler-Hill, Everett Community College,
Instructional Technologies
Michael Batali, Yakima Valley Community College,
Carolyn Calhoon-Dillahunt, Yakima Valley Community College,
The Diverse Classroom
Allison Green, Highline Community College,

Additional Information - College Readiness Retreat

Co-sponsored by
the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

February 10-11, 2011
Dumas Bay Centre, Federal Way

The 2011 Winter College Readiness Retreat is just around the corner.
Please register as soon as possible.


The college readiness retreats are designed for faculty who teach pre-college (Adult Basic Education or Developmental Education) courses.

We encourage participants to attend with a  teaching partner or team.
I-BEST teams are encouraged to attend.

Registration fee is just $55 – the remainder of the cost is subsidized by the SBCTC.

Join us to:

·         Learn more about coaching students to think analytically and take charge of their own learning

·         Learn from successful team-teachers – what works when collaboratively designing and delivering curriculum

·         RATs (Reading Apprenticeship Training) overview

·         FIGs (Faculty Inquiry Groups), building collaborative relationships for student success

·         Use facilitators and peers as your resources, as you and your campus team members work together on integrative assignments, assessments, or other curricular work.

A detailed agenda will be posted soon, on the Assessment, Teaching and Learning pages.<>

Hope to see you in February!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Student tracking finds limited learning in college

A new study provides disturbing answers to questions about how much students actually learn in college - for many, not much - and has inflamed a debate about the value of an American higher education.  What was the most important thing you learned in college?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

eLearning Community Online Learning Sessions - Intended audience: Community and Technical College Faculty

This Wednesday the 19th at 3 PM there will be the first in a series of online sessions in Elluminate, planned for faculty who use or are interested in online learning technologies and associated teaching and learning best practices. The topics will cover use of ANGEL, Elluminate, Tegrity and other core technologies supported by the Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges and/or in common use in our system.  These sessions are open to anyone wanting to attend and will be facilitated by eLearning professionals from system colleges and state board, eLearning staff.  The list of topics is determined by the group of presenters and by suggestions to be made by attendees.

Also, beginning this week and continuing for the foreseeable future, there will also now be open office hours in Elluminate, every Wednesday at ten AM.  These sessions, which will be without topic or agenda, are for any staff member or instructor who wants to come ask questions or get help using ANGEL, Elluminate, or Tegrity.  The sessions will be attended by the same eLearning personnel who will make the weekly pres

Participants may log into Elluminate for all sessions and open office hours via this link:
Participant Link:

All sessions will be recorded and available via this link:

To view the session schedule, follow this link:

If you have suggestions for how to improve the format of these sessions or a suggestion for a future topic, please fill in this form:

The session this week will cover getting started with Tegrity lecture capture:

January 19th - 3 PM -- Presentation Topic; Tegrity – Introduction to Classroom Capture, Configuring for Capture, and Getting Started – Scott Dennis, Jerry Lewis and Eric Waterkotte
·         Necessary Equipment and Software
·         Using Multiple Cameras, Microphones
·         Configuring Settings
·         Publishing, Un-publishing Recordings

Please feel free to send any questions to Scott Dennis at .  Also, if you work in eLearning and are interested in helping to create the schedule, make presentations, or otherwise help out, please let Scott know.  His contact information is: 

Scott Dennis
eLearning Professional Development Manager
WA State Board Community & Technical Colleges
Voice: 360.747.7211

Teachers using cell phones and texting as teaching tools

Are chalkboards and erasers becoming a thing of the past as technology takes over classrooms?  Find out what teachers in Snohomish County are doing to make their classrooms more high tech.  How do you feel about what they are doing? 

Friday, January 14, 2011

A 'broken promise' for Teachers

Amanda Burbank joined colleagues Denise Shaleen and Sarah Hintz in earning national board teacher recognition. All three say their chief motivation for going through the rigorous process was to grow professionally. But they also say they were looking forward to a reward for their efforts. Now that financial incentive could fall prey to Washington’s budget woes.

College Readiness Retreat

Co-sponsored by
the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education and the
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

February 10-11, 2011
Dumas Bay Centre, Federal Way

The 2011 Winter College Readiness Retreat is just around the corner.
Please register as soon as possible.

The college readiness retreats are designed for faculty
who teach pre-college (Adult Basic Education or Developmental Education) courses.

We encourage participants to attend with a  teaching partner or team.
I-BEST teams are encouraged to attend.

Registration fee is just $55 – the remainder of the cost is subsidized by the SBCTC.

Join us to:
·         Share successful strategies
·         Share possible solutions to struggles
·         Learn more about coaching students to think analytically and take charge of their own learning
·         Learn from successful team-teachers – what works when collaboratively designing and delivering curriculum
·         Use facilitators and peers as your resources, as you and your campus team members work together on integrative assignments, assessments, or other curricular work.

A detailed agenda will be posted soon, on the Assessment, Teaching and Learning pages.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Washington Post Article: We know what students learn. But what do they feel?

In the Washington DC area, they measure schools in many ways. They know their average SAT scores, their percentage of students passing state reading and math tests, their sizes, their racial mixes, their graduation rates and, of course, their football teams' win-loss records. But what don't they really know?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Universal Design Workshop at Olympic College with Terrill Thompson

Terrill Thompson from the UW DO-IT program will be at Olympic College in Bremerton January 24th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. to discuss Universal Design and how it applies directly to creating accessible documents and online resources.  Terrill is a respected expert in this field and we are lucky to have him come to the Olympic College campus.

We would like to extend the invitation for faculty, or staff to come to this great session.  If you have anyone interested please contact Tom Jacobs at 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gov. Brown Eliminating Calif. Secretary of Education Post

In his first week in office, California Gov. Jerry Brown's approach to education has emerged as one reminiscent of an earlier era, when the governor didn't have an education secretary and the State Board of Education was the chief executive's primary vehicle for setting school policy.
Brown announced Friday he is eliminating the secretary of education post, saving $1.9 million a year. The position was created in 1990 by then-Gov. Pete Wilson following years of acrimony between a prior Republican governor, George Deukmejian, and the elected superintendent of public instruction, who was then Bill Honig, a Democrat.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Save the Date - 2011 PESB Conference

The 2011 PESB Conference, formerly known as the Assessment Conference, will be held April 14-15 in Spokane. 

 2011 PESB Spring Institute Strands

Teacher Programs:
·         Focusing on the impact of data collection on program changes
·         Implementing the TPA, including a focus on academic language acquisition
·         Collecting and evaluating quality evidence for Standard V, including ELL and aesthetic reasoning
·         Developing effective strategies and materials for training mentor and cooperating teachers
·         Promising practices and effective design of year long clinically based internship models, including Alternative Routes
·         Pathways and partnerships designed to recruit and retain candidates from underrepresented populations in  teacher preparation programs

For more information contact Coleen Putaansuu , 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Feds Make ELLs a Priority for Tests Based on Common-Core Standards

The federal government intends to provide grants for the development of English-language-proficiency assessments that are aligned with the national common-core standards. A notice of the U.S. Department of Education's new priority to support the creation of new English-proficiency tests for English-language learners appeared this morning in theFederal Register. The deadline for comments on the notice is Feb. 7.