Friday, December 28, 2012

Four Auburn Schools Named “2012 Schools of Distinction” by the Center for Educational Effectiveness

Alpac, Gildo Rey, Lake View and Pioneer Elementary Schools in the Auburn School District have all been named 2012 School of Distinction Award Winners from The Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE), the Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD), the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP), Phi Delta Kappa-Washington Chapter (PDK-WA), Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA), Washington State ASCD and Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA).
The award recognizes the top 5% highest improving schools in the state of Washington for increased reading and mathematics achievement over the past five years. This represents the 6th annual School of Distinction award recognition in Washington State.
Alpac, Gildo Rey, Lake View and Pioneer will be recognized at the 2012 Schools of Distinction Awards Ceremony on Thursday, January 24, 2013, at Puget Sound ESD in Renton.
For more information contact Amy Spence, public information officer, at (253) 931-4713.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

PD opportunity with Seattle University

Seattle University is gearing up for its 2013 Supporting New Faculty Success cohort, but there are still a couple of open seats!

“For the first time in its 100-year history, the community college is seeing a new learner. Students are ethnically and linguistically more diverse, have more varied levels of skills and experience, often have many competing demands for their time, and have complex aspirations and goals.
These new learners want to succeed, and their success is helped by instructors' abilities to respond to their changing needs. Instructors are now required to be equipped not only with expertise in their subject area, but armed with teaching skills, resources and support networks to train today's new community college students.

Seattle University’s year-long Supporting New Faculty Success (SNFS) program supports community college faculty success, helping new instructors hone the skills required to teach these new learners. SNFS is open to all community college instructors with 3 years of full-time teaching experience or less. No need to be in the Seattle area; we’ll meet via Collaborate so that faculty statewide can participate!

The 2013 cohort will begin on January 3, but it’s not too late to register! Find more details on our webpage at  or email Lindsey at with questions.”

Monday, December 17, 2012

Washington college instructors are 'flipping' the way they teach

For years, Scott Freeman taught Biology 180 - a gateway class - by standing in front of his students at the University of Washington and lecturing about biological systems, evolution and the chromosome theory of inheritance. Read more here

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

King County schools win $40 million in Race to the Top support

The Auburn, Federal Way, Highline, Kent, Renton, Seattle and Tukwila school districts worked together to create "The Road Map District Consortium," a collaborative effort to dramatically improve education in South Seattle and South King County. Find out more about the Race to the Top, and what was awarded here

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

U.S. Math, Science Achievement Exceeds World Average

The math and science achievement of U.S. students continues to surpass the global average for nations taking part in a prominent assessment, results issued Tuesday show, but several East Asian countries and jurisdictions far outpace the United States, especially in mathematics.  Find out more here

Monday, December 10, 2012

Growing Network of Schools Considers Art Essential

As a group of Oklahoma principals toured Millwood Arts Academy on a recent morning, they snapped photos of student work displayed in hallways, stepped briefly into classrooms, queried the school’s leader, and compared notes.  Find out more here

Friday, December 7, 2012

How Blogging Can Improve Student Writing

Command of the written word is a vital 21st-century skill, even if we are using keys, buttons, and tablets instead of pens and pencils. In fact, in our digital world, communication is now more instantaneous than ever.
How do we prepare our students to meet the challenge? Find out more here

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Arne Duncan Sketches Out 'Long Haul' Agenda

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, who says he plans to serve in the Obama Cabinet for the "long haul," has begun sketching out his priorities for the next four years. They include using competitive levers to improve teacher and principal quality and holding the line on initiatives he started during the president's first term. Read more here

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NACCTEP Call for Proposals!

Call for conference proposals are now being accepted for the National Association of Community College Teacher Education Programs’ 2013 annual national conference,
Think Big: Community College Teacher Education Programs, March 8-10, 2013, at the Hilton Anatole hotel in Dallas, Texas.

Proposals to present at Think Big are being accepted through October 18, 2012. To submit a proposal, visit the NACCTEP conference website at

Tell Show Do Feedback Registration Is OPEN

Join your colleagues for an engaging and interactive workshop as we learn how to use the Tell, Show, Do, Feedback (TSDF) skill training model and explore practical applications for teaching success skills across the curriculum, improving student workforce preparedness and success.

Workshop participants will have the opportunity to:
 Analyze your current workforce preparation of students, looking for opportunities
 Obtain an effective skill training model for teaching desired workplace skills
 Practice using the skill training model while receiving feedback leading to improved teaching of skills

This workshop is designed for Professional Technical Faculty teaching soft skills in their courses. All faculty are welcome to attend. $25 registration fee includes lunch and morning refreshments. Space is limited, so sign up now!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wash. students show math, science improvement

Statewide test results show more Washington state students are passing their science and math exams, but reading scores are down at some grade levels.  Read more here .

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Check out this article from USA today about web based teaching degrees skyrocketing.   Enjoy! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

SCID Training - March 26th - March 30th At GRCC, Kent Station

SCID is complementary to the DACUM workshop.  It basically answers the question, “How can you teach most effectively what needs to be taught? “  SCID is a systematic process model used to develop curriculum and instructional materials needed to train tomorrow’s workforce.

Participants will acquire knowledge, skills, and behaviors though small group hands-on experiences.  These will enable them to develop competency-based instructional materials such as Competency Profiles, Learning Guides, Learning Aids, Job Aids, Modules, Curriculum Guides, and Lesson Plans.  One-on-one mentoring is provided throughout the workshop. 

Get more information and register here.

REGISTER for Multicultural Faculty Learning Community Retreat, April 5 - 6

TIME TO REGISTER... Faculty Learning Community Retreat is coming soon!

Community College Multicultural and Diversity Courses:
Effective Instruction, Meaningful Assessment and Reciprocity

April 5-6, 2012
Rainbow Lodge, North Bend, WA

This retreat is for faculty professional development.
If you are involved with faculty professional development
and multicultural course instruction on your campus,
you are welcome to join us for this retreat.

Please email for registration information.

Please register by March 16th. Space is limited

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Obama calls for boosting science education

Read the MSNBC article about Obama calling for a boost in science education here.

Register now: Winter ATL Retreat

ATL Winter Retreat
Focus on Faculty Development
March 8-9, 2012
Dumas Bay, Federal Way
ATL Registration form

See attached agenda.

Please send your completed registration forms to Jackie:

Do you have suggestions for articles, short videos, or other resources we might share at the retreat?
Send them to me and we can add them to the participant packet materials.

Monday, January 23, 2012

NACCTEP 2012 National Conference

The National Association of Community Colleges announces new keynote for the Leading the Way Conference in Philadelphia.  Chris Haskell is a lecturer and teacher educator at Boise State University as well as co-creator of 3D GameLab, a game-based learning management system. He will discuss the evolution of the teacher, the changing nature of teacher education, and the dramatic shift of the educational paradigm.

For additional information and to register for the national conference, visit the NACCTEP website at

Register now: Winter College Readiness Retreat

Please forward to your faculty.

Integrated, contextualized, modularized, accelerated, cohort-building, "flipping" the classroom...
what does all of this mean and how does it help my students?
Winter College Readiness Retreat

 – February 9-10 –

Registration forms are available here:
(right-hand side of the page, scroll down to College Readiness)

We will be discussing the recent reports from the statewide Transforming Precollege Education work groups, hearing from colleagues around the state who are using models and strategies recommended by the work group, and will have hands-on opportunities to practice using these strategies. As always, there will be time for you to work with your campus teams on integrative assignments, assessments, or other curricular work.

Hope to see you at Dumas Bay Centre, in Federal Way, on February 9-10th !

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Leading from the Classroom: Instructional technology and open resources

Co-sponsored by TACTC and WACTC, the Trustees and Presidents Associations

Leading from the Classroom:
Accelerating adoption of instructional technology and open resources

Faculty from our community and technical colleges will
lead these full-day, hands-on workshops

Each workshop will include:
·       Short demonstrations of teaching technology
·       Hands-on guided practice with new tech tools
·       Short introduction to open resource repositories
·       Hands-on guided practice locating and saving
           resources relevant to the courses you teach

You will leave the workshop with new skills,
new tools for teaching,
and a new collection of resources
to use in your online/hybrid/face-to-face classroom

Register Now
for the workshop in your region:

Tuesday, February 7th
Lake Washington Institute of Technology

Friday, March 16
South Puget Sound Community College

Friday, March 23
Spokane Community College
(Each workshop is a repeat; please register for just one.)


Thursday, January 5, 2012

High court: State isn't fully funding education

In a highly anticipated court ruling release Thursday morning, the Washington State Supreme Court agreed the state is failing to meet its constitutional duty to fully fund education and said it would retain jurisdiction to make sure the Legislature does so.   Read more about this Seattle Times article here.